The accuracy of this information can be proven only by checking the cadastral documents, documents that can be considered by some confidential owners at the moment of the promotion on our company's website.
General Stipulations
The site respects the right to privacy and privacy. Also, the Site complies and complies with the legislation in force regarding the protection of personal data, Law no. 677/2001 and Law no. 506/2004.
The following is a general overview of the personal data that the Site may collect through this website and how these data can be processed. Instructions are also provided when the user does not want his or her personal data to be collected or disseminated when visiting the website.
Processing of personal data
The site does not collect any information that could allow identification of individuals (eg name, address, phone number, email), unless they are voluntarily offered by users. Voluntary provision of information is considered and represents the explicit and unambiguous consent of the user to use his personal data by in accordance with the terms of the present terms and conditions of use of the website.
If the user does not want his or her data to be processed or is minor and does not have the consent of the legal representative, he / she is asked not to provide any personal data. Refusal to provide personal data makes it impossible to access some of the website's components. If the user has already communicated his or her personal data and wants them to be removed from the website's database, he may at any time request this (either directly or through his / her legal representative, as appropriate) using the Contact page.
When the user of the Website provides personal data, the Site may use them for the following stated purposes, unless others are specified:
storage and processing of that information to better understand users' needs and improve communication with them;
to contact the user in order to respond to a request that he has sent to;
The site will maintain the confidentiality of the user's personal data, process it in good faith and disclose it to authorized third parties only in accordance with applicable law.
Users of the website are guaranteed the rights provided by applicable law, including, but not limited to, the right to access data, the right to oppose, the right to interfere with data, etc.
In order to best serve users' needs, the Site needs the information provided by users and it is necessary that can use this information for free
For questions, complaints and additional information, please contact me at: